Bristol Immersive Socials
collaboration, community, graphic design
Last updated : 15.11.24

︎ Empress VR [Dominique Vyborna]
︎ Tangle Immersive [Harrison Willmott & Christina Constantinou]
︎ Arcane Immersive [Eirini Lamprini]
Dominique Vyborna, Erini Laprini, Christina Contaninou and Myself founded the Bristol Immersive Makers Community at the start of 2024.
The community was created to help support and connect the growing “Immersive” industry in Bristol. We mostly operate on a WhatsApp group and Dominique is planning to embrace the community onto her Empress VR Discord community server.
Almost every month since we started, I have organised the Pub Social for the community and designed the posters below to help advertise it.
The community is a growing group of makers and creators across the spectrum of Immersive Experience Production and are for the most part, based in Bristol.
︎ Empress VR [Dominique Vyborna]
︎ Tangle Immersive [Harrison Willmott & Christina Constantinou]
︎ Arcane Immersive [Eirini Lamprini]
Dominique Vyborna, Erini Laprini, Christina Contaninou and Myself founded the Bristol Immersive Makers Community at the start of 2024.
The community was created to help support and connect the growing “Immersive” industry in Bristol. We mostly operate on a WhatsApp group and Dominique is planning to embrace the community onto her Empress VR Discord community server.
Almost every month since we started, I have organised the Pub Social for the community and designed the posters below to help advertise it.
The community is a growing group of makers and creators across the spectrum of Immersive Experience Production and are for the most part, based in Bristol.