Harrison WIllmott

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Quote of the Week

Sucking at something is the first step to being sort good at something”    - Jake the Dog

Currently reading

by Jeff VanderMeer

Listening to 

Amos Roddy, Nicholas Snyder & Max Richter


Harrison Willmott

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Quote of the Week

Sucking at something is the first step to being sort good at something”    - Jake the Dog

Currently reading

The Gunslinger by Steven King

Listening to

Kiki Rockwell, Jungle, City & Color & Caravan Palace



Immersive training


Creative Production

Creative Technologies

Zero Point Motion Fellowship

SWCTN Fellowship


Southwest Creative Technology Network
Immersion Fellowship

In 2018 the South West Creative Technology Network accepted me and 26 other fellows into a cohort themed around IMMERSION.

Fellowship profile

I was amongst the ‘New Talent’ fellows within the cohort, others being either of the academic or industry category. During the fellowship I would explore how immersive technology could be best used in health and care contexts and focused my experimentation on 360 video training for non-technical skills.
I was awarded a grant of 10k over 10 months to support my fellowship and was invited to a great many events and activities. It was using some of the grant that I was able to apply for and fund my Masters Degree.

During the Fellowship I produced a limited run of two series of podcasts, the first called ‘immersive talk’ and the second called ' the southwest creative technology podcast'.  Both I intended to continue couldn’t find the funding to do so.  You can listen to them via the link on my ‘Past Creative Production’ page.

The main take away from my fellowship was a deeper understanding of immersion and the technological and user experience design choices needed to achieve the hightended sense of presence sought by immersive experience designers. The whole experience of deep thinking about immersion and having expansive conversations with other fellows and producers in the network kick started my wider passion for extended reality experiences.